Our services range from:
1. Regular check up for all patients according the German guidelines (“Vorsorgeuntersuchung”)
- U 3: from 4-6 weeks
- U 4: from 3-4 months
- U 5: at 6 months
- U 6: from 10 – 12 months
- U 7: at 2 years
- U 7a: at 3 years
- U 8: at 4 years
- U 9: at 5 years
- J 1: 13 – 15 years
2. Obtaining medical permission for the kindergarden, school, sauna or special sports
3. Vaccinations following the German schedules published by the Robert-Koch-Institut Berlin
(www.rki.de searching for vaccinations)
4. General medical examination for acute sick children
5. Special examinations: ear- and eye examination, electrocardiography (ecg),
pulmonary function test, allergy test
Services outside of the statutory health insurance companies
- kindergarten examinations
- sports examinations
- certificates for swimming lessons and sauna visits
- certificates for stays abroad
- duplicate vaccination cards
- NEW: “Amblyopia screening” eye test with Plusopti